This is not your father's old projection screen golf.
This is cutting edge computer HD Simulation Golf!



Gift Cards

Looking for a great gift for someone special?
Get them "The Gift of Golf".

There are hundreds of reasons to give a gift but only one reason to give "The Gift of Golf", because you care. That special someone will know just how much you care when they get their special "Gift of Golf" on their special day.

Gift cards can be used for golf, mini golf, food, drinks and even volleyball!

$25.00 Gift Card

$50.00 Gift Card

$75.00 Gift Card

$100.00 Gift Card

Card Shipping

All online purchases are shipped Free of charge via Standard Canada Post.
"Seller assumes no responsibility for any lost or damaged items purchased and shipped with Standard shipping."
Buyers may add "Premium Shipping" to their shopping cart and a tracking number will be emailed to them via Registered Mail.

We offer, to customers buying a $100.00 gift card you will get the Premium Shipping FREE!
Buyers may add "Premium Shipping" to their shopping cart here.